It is only fitting for my very first blog post on my website to be this one. A weekend where something inside of me clicked, in a big way. There was a shift so deep within me, that it's hard to share here. Not because I can't put it into words, but because it is so close to my heart and I long to keep it a secret. I met the most beautiful souls full on wonder, beauty, pain, healing, longing, etc.. I was pushed so far, and I felt so much. I wondered how it would feel to see my photos, and to see the photos of my peers. I wondered if I would feel ownership - we were all there shooting the same. exact. moments. What I found though, is that we are all so very unique, and we all see things so differently. Here, is part one of my story:
We arrived on a Friday evening, at 5pm. These first moments were filled with nerves, for me. I did what I usually do when I feel like this.. Well, two things! First, I went to grab a glass of wine as was suggested by our lovely host, and second - to grab my camera, this light was calling me.
I lingered here for a few moments after everyone headed in. I couldn't help it. The rest of our first evening is a bit of a blur, in a good way. There was a lot of sharing, crying, eating, and wine drinking. Our second morning, I spent some time outside with the chickens writing in my journal before heading to Whatcomb Falls State Park for an exercise with a partner.
Beautiful afternoon spent with beautiful people.. I spent some time in the woods with Tammy, silently, just 'earthing.' I think those six minutes were the most peaceful of the weekend.. Feeling close to the earth, and to myself. I felt so comfortable around Tammy's energy, and afterwards, we sat in the woods and talked all about motherhood, and how we both love it so.
This same evening, we had the honor of shooting the most lovely family alongside Joy. I couldn't get enough of the experience. I learned so much from this evening!
This evening led to a relaxing bonfire out in that field of wildflowers with lot's of talk to what is next for us all, and what some of us would like to leave behind as we look toward the future. I left behind grief, and welcomed love. Letting go of some of the pain I carry with me, in my minds eye, and through my camera lens. Welcoming love, that of my husband and children, and my commitment to love those I love, harder. Welcoming clients and allowing myself to share healing imagery with others, and to share my personal projects with my peers and really, the world.